Anand Sahib
After almost 1 year, I am writing something on my blog. Hopefully, I will continue...
I was reading Anand Sahib, and the following thoughts came to mind (the structure below is not relevant to structure of 40 paurees)>>
1. Maya is nothing but a hypothetical shell - blockage from the "real world".
2. Just like an incubator, the Maya is needed for growth
3. One has to grow inside Maya in order to come out. Those who don't want to come out, die inside.
4. This whole system is for everybody, and it is impartial.
5. when it is said that it is guru's "wish" that under his hukam some people are bound to perish and some to grow, I think that is a misinterpretation of guru’s message.
6. Everybody has opportunity to grow, and everybody is born within the shell of Maya. Akal purakh is impartial - nirvaer.
7. If Maya’s heat is less, one wouldn't grow (over small things)
8. If Maya’s heat is more, one would burn himself out, or become so hard (boiled) that one cannot grow anymore, it is already dead despite grown inside.
9. One comes out from the shell of Maya only when one breaks the shell from "inside", like a chicken.
10. Breaking from outside is impossible for somebody inside.
11. The one who can break from outside is the one who is outside the shell - niranjan - free from Maya. So, only guru can break the shell from outside as he placed us in the shell in the beginning.
12. The shell cannot be broken simply by chattering/reading teachings and not implementing/cleverness/shrewdness
13. Guru is also the shell and within the shell
14. guru will help breaking the shell when one is trying and putting efforts to walk on the way of the guru, but if the efforts to break from inside is not there, one may collapse.
15. Everybody walks as per the path laid to walk; some reach, some collapse, some just ignore and die.
16. Most of us boast and talk a lot, but have no virtue. The one that is embedded within, if not seen, those talks are a waste and foolish.
17. Through guru's wisdom, one start becoming pure by dissolving inside and slowly becomes ONE with the destruction of outer shell.
18. Just by chanting some word, through senses, one cannot achieve "the one who is free from senses". The fearlessness emerges out only from inside. in other words, mind drenched in desires creates fear. The cure to fear is complete bliss, and that is obtained through guru's wisdom.
19. Appearing good, religious and nicely dressed people are not necessarily the good ones, most of them are not. They are the most dangerous ones who quote religious code of conducts; scriptures while speaking and have no idea what they are talking about. Without love and remembrance with the truth, they are just ruining the environment around.
20. The ones who are really imbued with remembrance of truth and love (very rare, but I have seen a few here in palatine, and they don’t appear "Sikh") don't have to tell anything to anybody. They still can be recognized as pure ones even in a large bunch of hypocrites (seen at large number usually).
21. singing (keertan, gaana) doesn't really mean to sing something. Being a part of a melody of the truth happening around is singing too.
22. Pauree 24 is about the state when one just chants "har har", "ram ram" or "waheguru". Also talks about the language which is not satgur, or the anti-way of guru. The people who sings, reads and discuss non-satgur language, becomes weak even though they chant "waheguru" everyday.
23. through guru's wisdom, anybody and everybody has opportunity to break the falsehood around and to acknowledge "the state of being merged already"...
24. That state of acknowledging and being part of the system, leaving aside "me-my" is merging with Waheguru, and that state is "Anand".
Forgive me for any misinterpretation of Guru's message. I just wanted to share my understanding of this baani with you guys, so that we all can discuss individual understandings and ponder over it collectively.
But as usual we are normal people busy with moh maya. I know alone without a sacha guru its almost immpossible to come out of it.
I want to see a single person in todays materalistic world who has TRUE LOVE with gurbani nd creator of this immense universe who is present everywhere wherever we see.
If anybody has answer to my question or any guidance I would be extremely thankful to that wonderful creation of LORD.
I would say, if you really want to understand Gurbani, try to see the same Lord sitting in every being. This world is all materialistic, and it will always be. It is the Sargun saroop of Nirankar. Maya is not bad, it is necessary for us.
send us your more comments, so we can discuss more.