
I was walking down a lonely dark road,
Singing my own tunes, finding a new abode...
On my path, I found a crown of gold,
I was astonished to see, it was beautiful as an ode...
I went further and met someone wise,
Who embedded diamonds on the crown very aptly and concise...
Without the crown, I was nothing but a rand...
Putting it on my head, I started uttering commands...
Going down the journey, which felt fatiguing,
I don't know why junking the crown seemed intriguing...
I approached a pile of mud,
sat on the grass and threw the crown with a thud...
I started applying dirt on the crown,
As if the crown's value is going to rise upon...
Putting the muddy crown, I stood up again
weather was getting hotter, with no sign of rain...
I started feeling weary and tense,
is crown getting heavier or am I losing sense?
I fell on the ground, crying for help,
I couldn't hear anyone, except my own yelp...
The wise man appeared again, watching my face frown
Took off the muddy crown from my head, as I was looking down...
The dirty crown was thrown into some water,
I saw the mud drowning away, and my false kingship in a shatter...
He gave me the crown, which was shiny again
Telling me that applying dirt will only give you heavy pain...
I realized the understanding which was due,
threw away the baggage of thoughts which lowered my own value...
We want to live a life with luxury and accessorize,
It is rather the true value within, which we need to recognize...