Guru value just in Granth or in Laptop too?

I was reading a forum and there, an innocent learner, I will call her X, had put a query:

specially for baptized person because when we take amrit and become baptized
then our 5 parents means 5 pyarey says you will have to bow your head in
front of guru granth sahib whatever problems come in front of you like we read
in shri sukhmani sahib ji AAP ADOL NA KABH HU DOLAI [ HE IS STEADY
AND NEVER WAVERS]but sometimes we are in a dillemma that what to do or not means
if we follow other religion that means we are not sikh because sikh should
always believe in MOOL MANTAR we cant do other puja like stuff but our guru
nanak dev ji was also hindu can anyone tell me who was guru nanak dev ji's guru?
guru nanak dev ji worshipped to whom? if he was also hindu then why sikh cant do
puja and mantar like shivji , kali "

Such an innocent query, as what to do when we don't feel confident enough about our worship... :)

X asked who was Guru Nanak ji's Guru. Well, if we go back, it says that 1st Guru was born in a Hindu Family, rather a Khatri Family who had a very good standard of living, but had lower status than Brahmans. He also used to think and question his elders as why this status issue is there when everybody seem equal? Nobody could give proper answer! He questioned with Pandits and Maulavis (Muslim Teachers). They all said, it is written in the books, such as Vedas, Simritees, Quran etc.
But, as a child genius, Guru ji was never satisfied with these answers as those were all theoretical answers, and none had actually experienced GOD and HIS system!
After further experiences, he realized that all the system in this Universe is under some spell, some system, some mechanism... If we imagine ants and their colony, just think when we just put a bucket of water over them, they all die, their colony gets damaged and nothing remains! Now, imagine this scene with Tsunami! :)
The magnitude gets larger or smaller for us, but for the Architect who created this system, Karta Purakh, it is same!
Regarding Guru of Guru Nanak Sahib, Shabad or Gyan or Knowledge of Truth is the actual Teacher or Guru, the knowledge which cleanses the thoughts... The disciple or sikh or chela is our intellect or conscience! That is why we call Guru Granth Sahib as Guru, as after reading and understanding, the thoughts gets cleared and we actually see the filth of our mind!
Guru Sahib rejected the Idol worship, as it was kind of disgrace to the magnonimity of Akal Purakh!
Unknowingly, we all are still doing the same. Instead of finding Shabad Guru inside Guru Granth Sahib, we all are worshipping Guru Granth Sahib as a body, while it is the composition of the Shabad which is the actual Guru, as it shows that we are in darkness and the light is somewhere else. When we don't see light, we cannot walk towards the light, that means, when we couldn't recognize the Guru, we cannot become Gurmukh, or have face towards Guru, or ultimately the face of the Guru!
At times, we forget that SGGS in a PDF version has same Guru value as the one binded in paper. We take utmost care and respect of Guru Granth Sahib ji, cover with expensive rumalas, chaur etc, but the same Guru resides in our Laptops and we don't care if we are touching the Laptop with unwashed hands!
The point here is not to start washing hands before using Laptop just because it has SGGS's version in it, but to understand the concept of Shabad Guru or the Guru who is without any form or without any limitations of mediums!
The problem is, we need a short-cut, everywhere, anywhere! So we think that worshipping the Guru (GRANTH) will make us realize the TRUTH, while when we realize the Truth, we would not worship, we would sacrifice ourselves to the GURU automatically...

"Guru Poora Melaave mera Preetam, Hau Vaar Vaar aapne Guru kau Jaasa"

Jagjinder Singh


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