MAYA being an Incubator?

Jaisi Agan Uddar meh, Taisi Bahar Maya||

Maya Agan Sabh eko jehi, Karte Khel Rachayeya||

As we all have been stuffed with the thoughts that Maya is an illusion, but still we run around this illusion all the life, why is it so?

I was looking for literal meanings of Maya which are many, such as mother, deception, illusion, money etc. Of all this, I could relate all of them with what Guru Sahib have mentioned in the 29th Pauree in Raag Ramkali, Baani Anand.

First of all, what is Maya?

I heard a Scholar speaking that everything that we see is Maya! Absolutely! Even those naked Sadhus who think that they have abandoned everything materialistic, are again in Maya or illusion that they have abandoned everything?

Whilst, they are carrying their material body which itself again is Maya. Moreover, the thoughts that we carry while doing things, all goes towards materialistic inventories!

Now, let us try to understand what Guru Sahib is trying to teach us…

Just imagine an embryo inside a mother’s womb. We can imagine a human baby formation, because that is our own specie, and it will be easy to understand!! We all know that a particular temperature is required for the body to form and take shape normally. When the baby is delivered pre-maturely, the baby is kept in an incubator, so that it is provided with necessary heat, and it can grow properly as a normal baby. The mother’s body heat acts as incubator and gives necessary life-forming warmth to the developing baby. If the heat is less or more, the baby’s body can get deformed and it can born as an abnormal baby.

Okay, now let us imagine that after sometime, the baby’s body is formed and it has to come out of its mother’s womb! Just imagine if the baby doesn’t come out at the proper time? What will happen even if the incubating temperature was perfect to deliver a healthy baby, but the baby could not come out?

It will die.

I think this is what Guru Sahib are trying to tell us that, the heat inside mother’s womb and the Maya, both are similar to each others nature. Maya is as necessary as mother’s womb’s warmth.

Now, what happens when a child is born? Everybody in the family is very happy about the newcomer in the family.

When the baby was inside mother’s womb, it didn’t have any connection with the outer world other than what its mother is telling, and it is all dependent upon its mother. But as soon as it gets born and starts growing old, that dependency loses out and child thinks that he is self-dependent and doesn’t need anybody’s help. This is where and when the rules of Maya come into picture.

Maya itself is not a bad thing! How can it be a bad thing when it is all created by the GOD himself?

Now, according to the rules of Maya, the child comes in contact with other beings in nature. The only attachment with the mother duals out with other relations!

The child doesn’t realizes that his mother is still the one who carried him out in all her difficult times, and yet she cares for him, no matter what and how much rude he becomes to her! The child doesn’t even realize that he is abandoning his mother for the dual love?

According to the rules of Maya, the ONE Love is distributed amongst many others.

But, how can the child realize that he has abandoned his mother for another love? I think here is where Guru or Teacher or Knowledge of Truth comes into picture…

Somehow, the child gets experiences in life (acknowledgment of the Truth) that he was nothing and he is nothing if his mother didn’t take care of his, and all other love was just nowhere near to the love of a mother-child.

This he realizes that understanding the rules of Maya could only be done while being in the rules of Maya itself.



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